A Singers Ultimate Starter Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Voice Lessons. How singing lessons and the art of singing impacts our lives for the better. How to invest into your voice.
By: Mikah Wonders - Vocal Coach | Entrepreneur | Performing Artist
Every professional singer has invested into singing lessons. From the time I was a little girl my parents made sure that our family had a solid education, this included our extra curricular activities (i.e. singing lessons and more). I decided at an early age to be a singer and upon entering my adulthood realized the importance of continuing what my parents had started for me. To become a truly rounded singer I needed a vocal coach and a good one. I needed to be consistent in my lessons without the stress of being able to afford them, so I became obsessed with finances and dove deep into financial reliance classes to better prepare myself and gain an understanding of how to save enough money to continue with my dream of developing a strong singing voice.
As I played with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur I took a financial business class and discovered the underside of money hacks, the importance of tracking your expenses, and how to afford what you want.
My education has allowed me to understand why it's important that singers invest into lessons, and so I would like to educate you on how to invest in your singing voice without breaking the bank, why it's important to take singing lessons consistently, what you gain from having a great vocal coach, and the benefits that come with voice lessons.
Financial worries are something no one wants and yet it's a burden we all have at one time or another. I hope you can truly discover that you, or the person you want to buy lessons for, are worth the investment!
Quick, Take It To The Bank - Don't Break The Bank
Let us chat about the importance of having a savings account. I can not tell you what a life saver it will be to have a separate savings account that is dedicated to singing lessons, live courses, musical theatre camps, and more. Go to the bank RIGHT NOW, and take $5 to put into your account. From now on you are going to put $5 into your "Singing Savings Account" every week. I know that isn't much but to make a change is to start somewhere small and $5 a week is 100% doable. At the end of the month you'll have roughly $15-$20 which is a great start.
Action is important, show yourself that you are dedicated to save with just a small amount and you will jumpstart yourself into a world of successful savings.
Why $5? Because that is a realistic amount and as humans we need to give ourselves realistic goals. Start small and end big, maybe the next month you discover you can make it $10 a week into savings.
If you have a strong desire to save for singing lessons and you're ready to being this journey there's a few really great books and budgeting planners that will help you achieve the goal of affording those lessons.
Clever Fox: Budget Planner
Get Good With Money: 10 Simple Steps To Becoming Financially Whole
How To Turn $100 into $1,000,000: Earn! Save! Invest!
Why Consistent Lessons?
Practice Makes Perfection - Instruction Makes A Profession
Consistent lessons will advance you as a singer, making you wish you would've dedicated yourself to take them from the very start. Constant well guided instruction is what sets people apart as singers.
With weekly lessons you are able to develop balance within your voice. This is extremely important to have because the more grounded you are in your sound the easier it is to grasp your audiences attention. Within just two lessons, I have see new consistent students go from not being able to match a single pitch, to singing a full song with very few pitch issues in just 3-4 lessons. Incredible progress comes with fervent practicing and even more so consistent instruction from a vocal coach like me.
At the very least 30 min lessons once a week will ensure you develop your true voice. If you truly want advanced progress try going for a longer time once a week. You'll see progress you could never dream of.
Pay The Right Type Of Teacher!!
As a vocal instructor who has studied through multiple teachers far and wide if it's anything I really want you to remember it's please, please, please, invest your money into a good teacher and get what you pay for. I have a vast amount of experience and continue to educate myself through 'The Institute Of Vocal Advancement' but you do NOT have to be certified, or have a degree to be a singing teacher. I recommend doing your research and finding out the experience that the teacher you're considering has.
For example: I have 18 years of vocal pedagogy studies combined with private instruction, college classes, online courses, studied voice with some of the finest teachers from The Juilliard School and been mentored by incredibly prestigious instructors locally. I've not only studied the voice but I have and continue to study the function of the voice and I educate EACH and everyone of my students on exactly how your voice is doing what it's doing, why, and the dangers that come with an improperly prepared voice. My goal is to help educate people on vocal safety and help you become the best singer you want to be.
Experience and education DO matter, please do not spend your money on someone who has just been singing in the shower their whole life and is trying to make a living off of teaching lessons. Get a proper teacher who knows their stuff!
If you're interested in taking voice lessons from me and gaining a powerful education you can check out my website which has my resume along with reviews from current and former students.
A Good Voice Comes With What?
Singers far and wide develop much more than just a good singing voice when it comes to lessons. You will gain an incredible connection with your teacher, develop confidence beyond your imagination, face challenges that are unexpected and defeat them, and so much more.
Did you know that singing can improve the function of your lungs, help you defeat stressors that may spring up in your life, and best of all singing releases endorphins, and endorphins make us happy.
So take yourself or the person you love that wants lessons on a journey. If you tell yourself you'll never be able to do lessons because of financial reasons then you may never make money from your voice. The sooner you start the quicker you can invite others to enjoy the messages that come through music with your voice! You'll be able to upload singing videos to pages such as YouTube that can become monetized, and you'll be able to pay for much more than your singing lessons.
So what steps do you need to take to gain great voice without breaking your bank?
#1 - Save little by little
#2 - Find The Right Teacher (Consider lessons through 'Mikah And Music')
#3 - Invest into consistent weekly lessons
#4 - Enjoy the development of yourself through lessons, not just your voice.
I hope you can take these things to heart and that they can help you in your journey for becoming a better singer and discovering your true voice.